OMA Board of Directors: Call for Nominations

Deadline for submissions: Friday, August 16, 2024

The Ontario Museum Association’s governing body is its Board of Directors, whose 14 members are elected by the membership at the Annual General Meeting. The OMA Board gives strategic policy direction to OMA staff. It also works to strengthen the Ontario Museum community by representing the interests of members to government, the public and private sectors, the media, public and other related institutions, and to citizens across the province. 

Interested and qualified nominees who are OMA members in good standing are encouraged to apply, considering the leadership skills needed for the museum sector’s pandemic recovery.

The OMA fosters an environment of inclusivity and collaboration. As an association representing a diverse community of Ontario museums and museum workers, our commitment is that the OMA Board membership reflect the diversity and strength of the many networks, groups and communities it serves, and that its practices are effective, fair, inclusive, respectful and competent. Within a respectful and empathetic environment, a Board which reflects the diversity of its many communities will be more effective in serving and working with them. The Board believes that a truly inclusive organization benefits all stakeholders through better partnerships, enhanced accountability, greater resources, and an enhanced reputation.

The OMA is committed to diversity within its community and to removing barriers to inclusion, and will make every effort to promote the participation of members of equity-seeking groups including members of Indigenous, Black, Person of Colour (IBPOC), neurodiverse, Two Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Plus (2SLGBTQIA+) communities, persons with disabilities, and emerging museum professionals. The Board will strive to create a culture that fosters critical self-reflection where its membership is accountable for learning about and appreciating difference. Diversity awareness and capacity building shall be an ongoing, evolving learning process.

The Nominations Committee is seeking nominations to the Board at the 2024 Annual General Meeting, to be held on October 1, 2024. Please note that the following form, along with supporting documents, are to be submitted by Friday, August 16, 2024.

Please call the OMA toll-free at 1-866-662-8672 (ON) or 416-348-8672 (GTA), or send an email to [email protected] for any inquiries about the OMA Board or nominations process.

Please click below to download the Call for Nominations submission form as a fillable PDF.  


The duties and responsibilities of Board members are legal, ethical, procedural, and guided by the OMA’s strategic plan. The Board is responsible for policy direction, guiding the affairs of a museum association and serving institutions and individuals across the province through a variety of professional services, programs, and products. The Board is expected to provide sound fiscal and ethical management, and is legally responsible for the activities of the Association. In accordance with existing by-laws, Board members are elected at the Annual General Meeting and will serve without remuneration, save for travel expenses incurred to attend Board meetings.


The term of office is two years. Any individual who has been elected to serve one term as an elected Officer or Director-at-Large is eligible for nomination to a second term in that same position. Any person holding office by appointment is eligible for nomination without prejudice due to the previous appointment to the Board. There is no restriction on the total length of time a person may hold office on the Board, providing that no specific office is held for more than two consecutive terms, and subject to any restrictions that apply regarding eligibility and terms of office. Further information on the present by-laws is available on request from OMA staff and on the OMA website.


Attendance at meetings of the Board is required, in addition to the Annual General Meeting. Officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Past President) form an Executive Committee. The Executive members chair the following Board Committees: President – Executive Committee, Past President – Nominations Committee, Vice-President – Fund Development Committee, Treasurer – Budget & Finance Committee, Secretary – Governance Committee. Each Board member signs up for one of these committees. Interested individuals should expect to spend at least four hours per month, plus background preparation time, as a member of the OMA Board.

The Board of Directors may vote to remove a Director if they miss 3 consecutive Board meetings. It is highly recommended that applicants make their employer aware of an application to the OMA Board of Directors.