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Ridge House Museum front porch viewed from gate entrance

Ridge House Museum - Ridgetown

Built in 1875, the Ridge House Museum is a typical Gothic revival style home furnished to portray the lifestyle of a middle class family. The Ridge House structure and grounds...

Historic Building

Elgin County Railway Museum - St. Thomas

To preserve, teach, and display to the public the rich heritage of the railroads and their role in the development of St. Thomas and Elgin County.

Railway Museum

Meaford Museum - Meaford

Meaford has a robust and unique history that transcends it's borders and delights all those who visit.The Meaford Museum was originally built in 1985 as the Town’s...

Community Museum | Archives

Heritage Schoolhouse Museum and Archives (York Region District School Board) - Markham

The York Region District School Board Museum and Archives is located at the Heritage Schoolhouse in Markham.  In addition to collecting and preserving the history of...

Specialized Collection | Historic Building

Display inside the Lakeshore Grounds Interpretive Centre's main exhibit space

Lakeshore Grounds Interpretive Centre - Etobicoke

The Lakeshore Grounds Intepretive Centre aims to research, preserve, and share the natural and built heritage of the Lakeshore Grounds region of South Etobicoke and to engage both...

Cultural Centre | Community Museum

Museum Windsor - Windsor

Housed in the historic François Baby House, this community museum focuses on the history of French, British, First Nations, Black and other cultural groups in the City of Windsor...

Community Museum | Historic Building

Kingston Municipal Museums - Kingston

The story of Canada told through wood and woodworking is explored at this museum, which features woodworking tools, along with tools related to other early Canadian trades....

Community Museum | Historic Building

Bethune Memorial House National Historic Site - Gravenhurst

Visit the birthplace of the most famous Canadian in the world, Dr. Norman Bethune. His enduring fame in China has helped to shape Canada's reputation as a humanitarian nation...

Historic Building

Sudbury Region Police Museum - Sudbury

The Police Museum is a new venture that is coordinated by a group of Volunteers. Through the use of artifacts, photographs and documents, the museum displays the origins, growth...

Specialized Collection

House of Commons - Curatorial Services - Ottawa

The House of Commons Heritage Collection features objects ranging from sculpture and furniture to official portraits and historical paintings. Most of the objects in this...

Multidisciplinary Museum | Art Museum / Gallery

Collingwood Museum - Collingwood

An impressive reconstruction of the 1873 train station, the Museum overlooks beautiful Georgian Bay. We preserve the history of Collingwood and area, feature exhibits showcasing...

Community Museum | Marine Museum

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